VOXX: PSYCHIC READINGS FOR LOVERS & SOULMATESLovers' Readings (For Couples) - A Voxx Specialty!
All Readings Combine Clairvoyance, Clairaudience,
Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, & PsychometryVoxx prefers to perform Lovers' Readings in person; however, in certain cases, she will consider doing this type of reading via phone or Internet chat, if necessary.
Voxx is the first and only Psychic in the world who has the ability to perform a Psychic reading for two or more people simultaneously. As the world's most trusted and accurate Love Psychic (as featured in the best-selling book "America's Top 100 Psychics"), Voxx uses her amazing ability to pinpoint problems in relationships, and bring about healing.
Voxx guides couples toward renewed understanding with the use of her unique combination method of Clairvoyance, Tarot, Astrology and Numerology. Many couples have successfully mended their relationships with Voxx's Psychic assistance. Additionally, many couples have found Voxx's guidance incredibly helpful in ascertaining whether or not their loved one is their most suitable partner.
One thing is certain, healing your relationship with Voxx's help will save not only your heart, but your finances as well. Voxx is often able to help you fix your relationship much quicker than repeated visits to unintuitive marriage counselors and/or lawyers. A Psychic reading with Voxx will produce instant results in your love relationship.IN-PERSON PSYCHIC READINGS BY VOXX
All Readings Combine Clairvoyance, Clairaudience,
Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, & PsychometryIn-Person Psychic Reading at Voxx's Studio in Los Angeles
In-Person Psychic Reading at Voxx's Psychic Salon
(Los Angeles Area)
FEE FOR 60 MINUTES: $350.00
Includes: In-depth Psychic Readings for each person, Chakra cleansing & balancing, Lovers' Candle & Incense, plus 3 free Astrology & Numerology Charts (2 individuals, plus 1 couple chart.)
In-Person Psychic Reading at Your Home or Office Location
(Los Angeles Area)Voxx will travel to your location to perform a convenient, in-person
Psychic Reading, within a 60-mile radius of Los Angeles, for an extra fee.FEE FOR 60 MINUTES: $400.00*
*Includes Traveling Fee of $50.00
In-Person Psychic Reading at Your Home or Office Location
(National / International)
Perfect for Celebrities & Rock Stars On-The-Go!Voxx will travel to your location to perform a convenient, in-person
Psychic Reading, at any national or international location.FEE: $1,000.00 for 180 minutes (3 Hours)*
Includes: Psychic Reading, a guided healing meditation, plus a special Chakra cleansing & balancing. Also includes a specialty candle & incense (custom-made by Voxx), plus up to 4 additional Astrology & Numerology Charts (for yourself; as well as whatever people or events you wish.)
*Plus $350.00 per diem; plus air-fare, hotel and accommodations.)
Refund & Cancellation Policy: Voxx does not offer refunds for Psychic Readings for any reason whatsoever, Her fee is based solely upon the time she spends with each client, regardless of the client's opinion as to the accuracy of information given in their Psychic Reading. Remember, a true Psychic will tell you things that can only be proven over time; you may not understand how your Reading will manifest, so keep an open mind. As the art of Metaphysics is beyond the proof of science, each client agrees to seek out such Voxx's advice of their own volition, with the specific awareness that no guarantees exist regarding information gained via psychic means. All we can say is that Voxx's clients can attest to her incredible accuracy via their personal testimonials.
To Reschedule a Psychic Reading: Standard professional policy states that Voxx must be personally notified 24-hours prior to any Psychic Reading cancellation. There are no refunds for missed Psychic Readings -- however, Voxx will be happy to reschedule your Psychic Reading. However, be assured that Voxx will make every attempt to reschedule your Psychic Reading as a courtesy.
CALL VOXX NOW AT (323) 782-0222!
Please e-mail or call Voxx's office directly to schedule the most incredible Psychic reading of your life!Please join our Mailing List for current updates on this and other unique Voxx services.
Customer Service Hotline: If you experience any difficulty in using PayPal, or in using the site, please call: 323-467-4570 to speak with our personal Site Representative. You may also contact the Voxx Site Webmaster.
Have a mystical, magickal day!
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