Learn the esoteric secrets of Chakras here.


Voxx began studying the Metaphysical Arts as a young child. In addition to her natural intuitive understanding of Chakras, Voxx adds her knowledge of the Kabbalah, Astrology and Numerology to this ancient Science. To order a personal Chakra Balancing Session with Voxx, please e-mail for details.

Voxx has also created a specialty line of Chakra Candles, which will soon be available at the Voxx Store.

If you want to learn more about the fascinating Psychic Art of working with Chakras,
please sign up for a Class today! Also, remember to visit the Community page, and see Voxx's postings on Chakras, and feel free to add your own bits of knowledge and information. Check this page regularly for more info and practical information.


(An Introduction to Chakras)


The word chakra is a Sanskrit word which means “wheel.” In the ancient Asian esoteric systems of both the Buddhist and Hindu religions, Chakras are considered to be centers of power hidden within the human body. These centers of energy are said to be activated and strengthened by the practicing of particular spiritual exercises.

According to ancient Buddhist texts, it is stated that the human body contains seven chakras; however, Hindu philosophy maintains the number of chakras to be six, regarding the seventh chakra (located just above the crown of the head) to be non-physical, and of a spiritual nature. Western occultism agrees with the Buddhist philosophy, and includes the seventh chakra, despite its placement outside the human body. (See Chakra Correspondence Chart below.)

The First Chakra is named the “Muladhara.” (pronounced “moo-luh-dah’-rah”.) This chakra is sometimes considered to be physically located in the perineum, between the area of the anus and the scrotum (in men,) and between the anus and the vaginal opening (in women.)

This is sometimes erroneously believed to be physically located near the base of the spinal column; however, the correct location is to be found within the tissue area, approximately two inches away from the end of the tailbone.

The Second Chakra is named the “Svadisthana,” (pronounced “svahd’-iss-tha’-nah”.) This chakra is physically located above the base of the genitals and the bladder (in both men and women.)

The third Chakra is named the “Manipura,” (pronounced “Mahn’-ee-poor’-ah”.) This chakra is physically located just above the navel.

The fourth Chakra is named the “Anahata,” (pronounced “Ahn’-ah-hat’-ah”.) This chakra is physically located in the muscles of the heart.

The fifth Chakra is named the “Vishuddah,” (pronounced “Vish-ood’-ah”.) This chakra is physically located at the base of the throat.

The sixth Chakra is named the “Ajna,” (pronounced “Ahjh’-nah”.) This chakra is physically located right above the nose, between the eyebrows.

The seventh Chakra is named the “Sahasrara,” (pronounced “Sah-hass’-rah’-rah”.) However, this chakra is not considered an actual physical one, because of it’s placement located in the space just above the top of the skull.

This particular chakra is typically likened to a flower possessing countless petals that spread out over the top of the skull.

It is important to understand that the chakras are not parts of the human body. They are esoteric centers of power that come into existence when they are pierced by the ascending of Shakti, which is both an energy and a goddess. Once activated, the chakras are like beads on a vertical string, or flowers on a central stem, called the Shushumna, which is described in Eastern occult texts as a hollow tube. Inside this tube is a narrower tube called the Vajrini Nadi (“Nadi” means channel), and inside this a still finer tube called the Chitrini Nadi. Once the power of ceases to flow up the Shushumna, the Chakras cease to exist.

The Sahasrara is accessed through a tiny pinhole in the top of the skull that is deliberately opened by yogis during intense meditation -- no instrument is used to make this opening. The opening of this pinhole is marked by the presiding guru by the insertion of a single blade of grass into the hole, which aches and bleeds slightly at the time of its opening. This physical penetration of the skin over the skull is not necessary for the passage of to the Sahasrara, but it is used to confirm to the guru that the chela (student) has unblocked this aperture. After this practice, the skin is permitted to heal.

Many people experience the fact that the top of the skull tingles and pricks strongly in a very small radius -- no more than the diameter of a pencil -- when it is awakened and made to ascend through the body. The sensation is that of being gently pricked with a needle on the top of the head. It is rarely very painful. This happens even when bleeding does not ensue.

The union of with the thousand-petaled lotus confers bliss that is both physical and spiritual. The sensation is sustained, constant, powerful without being harsh, and may be likened to an orgasm that is not localized in the genitals, and is extremely subtle and refined.

Kundalini is sometimes describes as a serpent that lies sleeping below the Chakra, it's body coiled in three and one-half turns around the base of the spine.

Kundalini is awakened by postures that stimulate the Muladhara (root) chakra, primarily a sitting posture in which one of the heels is pressed against the perineum. In conjunction with this posture, breathing exercises in which the breath is held and compressed into the lower abdomen are used while the anus is rhythmically contracted. This causes a sheen of sweat over the entire surface of the body. Also used to awaken is a technique known as “pore breathing,” during which the vital energy of the air is visualized to enter the body through the pores of the skin, and internal chanting of a Mantra (word or phrase that embodies occult power). The visualization of power symbols such as Yantras are also often used (See image below.)

(Sri Yantra)
Read more about Yantras below

Most important of all in awakening is a technique that is almost never openly described. It involves the contemplation with love and desire of one of the primary forms of Shakti, the Mother Goddess who represents for the Hindus all manifest things and all energies. The word Shakti literally means "power." It is through the grace and love of Shakti that the Kundalini energy is awakened and made to ascend the spine.

Before this grace and love can be attained the practitioner must establish a close personal relationship with Shakti. This is done through repeated visualization of that particular form of the Goddess that has been decided upon, through prayers to the Goddess, through offerings and sacrifices to the Goddess, through contemplation of the qualities and virtues of the Goddess, through active inner communication with the Goddess, through visualization of interaction and union with the Goddess, and by filling the place of ritual communion with the Goddess with scents, symbols, forms, colors, objects, sounds, music, tastes, and textures that are in harmony with the nature of the aspect of Shakti that is being contemplated. (For additional information, see Sex Magick page in the near future. It is currently under construction.)

Each chakra has its own unique sensation. It is possible that these sensations vary in their fine details from person to person, but their general quality is probably a shared experience.

Some people have noted the similarities between the Swadhisthana and Manipura chakras, claiming that they feel like a sucking or sinking pit in the flesh, almost as though an invisible hand is being pressed down inside the flesh at their locations. This is not painful, according to several sources; although, I should mention that some practitioners have reported some discomfort.

The Anahata Chakra is experienced as a contraction and irregularity of the heart. It is often accompanied by a remarkably pleasant sensation of sinking or floating. There is a distinct sense that the physical heart is being touched or caressed by some sort of spiritual hand. When this first happens, it can be somewhat alarming, since we are not usually accustomed to sensation and irregularity in the muscles of our heart. It causes no ill-effects whatsoever.

The Vishuddha Chakra shows itself as a tightness, and for some, a dryness and tickling sensation in the pit of the throat.

The Ajna Chakra has a very curious feeling of invisible pressure between the eyes, as though pressure were being applied by an invisible finger between the eyebrows just under the skin. This might also be described as a sucking or drawing sensation, as though the pressure is being exerted from within outward.

The access to the Sahasrara is signaled by a tickling and pricking in the exact center of the top of the skull. This area of sensation is so small, it may easily be covered by the tip of the index finger. Some have reported feeling a coolness in the right hemisphere of the brain, a feeling as though cool water were being poured over the actual tissues of the brain itself. The opening of the Sahasrara is indicated in a sensory way by a delicious, sustained and very even flow of bliss or ecstasy that, for some, has reportedly lasted only for several minutes.

There are other minor physiological effects that accompany the arousal of and the opening or piercing of the chakras. These include feelings of coolness or heat over large areas of the body; localized pricking sensations that often occur in the fingers and toes; ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears that seem to be caused by temporary changes of blood pressure; intense flashes of white light similar to the popping of a camera flash -- these are seen with eyes open or shut; as well as spontaneous trembling, twitching and jerking of various muscles of the body such as the thighs, abdominal muscles, or facial muscles; sensations of floating or sinking; feelings of touching or weight upon different parts of the body; excitation of the nerves similar to that caused by too much caffeine; lethargy or lassitude, and physical pleasure that is widely distributed through the body. This last point is not as intense as the bliss of the Sahasrara.

It is a false belief that the Kundalini energy is very difficult to awaken. It only requires sincere and regular practice of the correct exercises, both physical and mental. These exercises must be done daily for several hours. It also requires the formation of a genuine personal relationship with the Goddess. Once initially awakened, it may easily be aroused thereafter in a matter of minutes, or even moments.

Various Siddhis or occult powers are traditionally associated with the chakras. These must be examined with a certain degree of skepticism, since it was often the practice of occult writers in ancient times to make wildly exaggerated specific claims about the powers conferred by the techniques they wrote about, in order to lend their writings greater weight and importance in the minds of their readers.

Many people have reported an increase in the precision of their intuition regarding other persons, the circumstances surrounding their lives, and future events. There have been reports that the mind mind is clearer and more penetrating, particularly when examining or writing about esoteric subjects. There are other more subtle benefits, such as the ability to direct spiritual beings to accomplish general and specific material effects useful to one's life and studies.

Those who usually write about the chakras have no firsthand knowledge of them, and those with an intimate firsthand knowledge usually consider them too dangerous and powerful, and also too sacred, to write about openly. Gurus especially conceal the techniques for establishing an intimate and personal relationship with the Goddess, which seems essential in "awakening." What is written here is based on a great deal of reading, research and personal experimenting; however, practitioners of yoga may have experienced the chakras somewhat differently.

It is repeated endlessly in traditional Eastern texts that the oversight of a guru is essential to the awakening of and the spiritual piercing of the chakras (the "piercing" is symbolic -- not literal.) Evidently this is untrue, since many people have never had the luxury of having a personal teacher, other than the ancient sages who wrote the Tantric texts they have studied. Many have been guided in their practices by spiritual intelligences. Perhaps in this sense, gurus may be present, but such teachers lack physical bodies.


Yantras (pronounced "Yahn'-trahs") are mystical diagrams that represent a Deity or particular form of the Divine. Through the worship of a Yantra, invisible sources of energy can be made to act/work for the advantage of the individual, helping him realize his dreams and fulfill his desires and ambitions.

Yantras work through the five elements of nature: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (Spirit) and by recitation of certain Mantras. They also have the power to remove the malevolent effect of planets and increase their positive influence.

Yantras are prepared with specific rituals, on an appropriate day, time and place, and are energized through mantras, a process which converts them from mere diagrams to invisible forces of energy working for the benefit of the individual.

Yantras may be drawn or etched/carved on bronze, lead, copper, silver, gold, steel or 'Bhoj Patra' (the holy bark of a tree). Yantras can either be worn on the body in locket form, or kept in the place of worship and used for the purpose of worshipping. It is beneficial to worship them by offering water, rice, sandalwood paste and flowers while repeating the mantras appropriate for each Deity.

(The particular Yantra figure pictured above is the "Sri Yantra.")

The Sri Yantra (pronounced "shree-yahn'-trah",) represents Shiva and Shakti, male and female energy combined for Productivity, Peace and Happiness. This yantra is the most dynamic of all yantras. It represents the cosmic form, the form of the human organism, and the form of the Goddess Tripur Sundari, although some Vedic scriptures refer to it as the navel of the Divine Mother.

The mantra and worship is for for Durga, the principal Mother Goddess. The 43 triangles in the yantra create the only representation of all her incarnations in one form and promote security, nurture, care, protection, courage and self-confidence. The appropriate Mantra to accompany this particular yantra is: "Om Dhum Durgaya Namah." This is good to chant daily but especially Fridays, while concentrating on the bindu, or central point.


#1 - ROOT - Base
Chakra Correspondences


Muladhara (root/support).


Base of spine (Coccyx); Groin.
Organs Adrenal Glands; Bladder; Genitals & Spine.
Functions Giving vitality in the physical body; Survival and Self-preservation traits are situated here; Instincts.


Red (Secondary color is Black.)
Central Issue Survival; grounding.
Orientation to Self Self-preservation.

Stability; Grounding; Physical health; Prosperity; Trust.

To be here; to have.



Metaphysical Qualities Matters relating to the material world; Mastery over the physical body; Grounding; Individuality; Stability; Stillness; Health; Courage & Patience.
Negative Qualities Self-centered; Insecurity; Violence; Greed; Anger; Over-protective of Physical Self; Spinal Tension; Constipation.



Heaviness; Sluggish; Monotony; Obesity; Hoarding; Materialism; Greed.
Deficient Characteristics Frequent Fear; Lack of Discipline; Restlessness; Underweight; Spacy.
Gemstones Lodestone; Ruby; Garnet; Smoky Quartz; Obsidian; Onyx; ; Hematite; Bloodstone; Red Jasper.


Gaia; Auriel.

#2 - SACRA - Navel
Chakra Correspondences


Svadhisthana (sweetness).


Abdomen; Genitals; Lower back; Hips; Lower Abdomen to Navel Area.
Organs Abdomen; Genitals; Reproductive organs; Uro-genital System; Kidneys; Gonads; Legs.
Functions Sexuality; Enjoyment of Life; Self-esteem; Relationships; Desire; Assimilation of Food; Digestion.


Central Issue

Sexuality; Emotions; Desire.
Orientation to Self Self-gratification.

Fluidity; Pleasure; Healthy Sexuality; Feeling.


To feel; to Want.



Metaphysical Qualities Giving and receiving; Emotions; Desire; Pleasure; Sexual/passionate Love; Change; Movement; Absorbing New Ideas; Health; Family; Tolerance; Surrender.
Negative Qualities Over-indulgence in Food or Sex; Sexual Difficulties; Confusion; Purposelessness; Jealousy; Envy; Desire to Possess; Impotence; Bladder Problems.



Overly Emotional; Poor Boundaries; Sex Addiction; Obsessive Attachments.
Deficient Characteristics Frigidity; Impotence; Rigidity; Emotional Numbness; Fear of Pleasure.
Orris Root; Gardenia.
Gemstones Carnelian; Coral; Agate; Jacinth.


Diana; Neptune; Pan; Gabriel.

3# - SOLAR PLEXUS - Diaphragm
Chakra Correspondences


Manipura (Lustrous Jewel).


Solar Plexus; Above the Navel; Below the Chest.
Organs Stomach; Gall-bladder; Liver; Pancreas; Solar Plexus; Nervous
System; Muscles.
Functions Vitalizes Nervous System; Metabolism; Digestion; Emotions.


Central Issue

Power; Will.
Orientation to Self Self-definition.

Vitality; Spontaneity; Strength of Will; Purpose; Self-esteem.


To act.



Metaphysical Qualities Will; Personal Power; Authority; Energy; Mastery of Desire; Self-control; Radiance; Warmth; Awakening; Laughter; Immortality; Humour; Strength.
Negative Qualities Negative Desire for Power (Power-Hungry); Anger; Fear; Hate; Digestive Problems.



Dominating; Blaming; Aggressive; Scattered; Constantly active.
Deficient Characteristics Weak Will; Poor Self-esteem; Passive; Sluggish; Fearful.
Gemstones Amber; Topaz; Citrine; Quartz; Tiger's Eye.


Amon-Ra; Brigit; Athena; Michael.

4# - HEART
Chakra Correspondences


Anahata (unstruck).


Center of Chest.
Organs Heart; Thymus Gland; Circulatory System; Arms; Hands; Lungs.
Functions Anchors the Llife-Force from the Higher-Self. Energizes Physical
Body and Blood. Blood Circulation.


Green (Secondary Color is Pink.)
Central Issue

Love; Relationships.
Orientation to Self Self-acceptance.

Balance; Compassion; Self-acceptance; Good Relationships.


To love and be loved.



Metaphysical Qualities Divine/Unconditional Love; Forgiveness; Compassion; Understading; Balance; Group Consciousness; Acceptance; Peace; Openness; Harmony and ontentment.
Negative Qualities Repression of Love, Emotional Instability; Unbalanced; Heart Problems; Blood Circulation Problems.



Co-dependency; Poor Boundaries; Possessive; Jealous.
Deficient Characteristics Shy; Lonely; Isolated; Lack of Empathy; Bitter; Critical.
Lavender, Jasmine.
Gemstones Emerald, Tourmaline, Rose Quartz.


Aphrodite; Frejya; Christ; Raphael.


Chakra Correspondences


Visshudha (purification).



Organs Thyroid; Parathyroid; Hypothalmus; Throat; Mouth, Upper Lungs;
Arms; Digestive Tract.
Functions Speech; Sound; Vibration; Communication.


Sky Blue.
Central Issue

Orientation to Self Self-expression.

Clear communication; Creativity.


To speak and be heard.



Metaphysical Qualities Power of the Spoken Word; True Communication; Creative Expression; Integration; Peace; Truth; Knowledge; Wisdom; Loyalty; Honesty; Reliability; Gentleness; Kindness; Sense of Responsiblity.
Negative Qualities Communication and Speech Problems; Knowledge Used Unwisely; Ignorance; Lack of Discernment; Depression; Thyroid Problems.


Ether / Akasha.

Excessive Talking; Inability to Listen; Over-extended; Stuttering.
Deficient Characteristics Fear of Speaking; Poor Rhythm.
Gemstones Turquoise; Lapis Lazuli; Chrysocolla; Green Aventurine .


Mercury; Apollo.

6# - BROW -
Third Eye
Chakra Correspondences


Ajna (to perceive).


Brow; Center of Forehead; Between the Eyebrows.
Organs Pitituary Gland; Left Eye; Nose; Ears; Spine.
Functions Vitalizes Lower Brain (Cerebellum) & Central Nervous System; Vision.


Indigo (Dark Blue).
Central Issue

Intuition; Imagination.
Orientation to Self Self-reflection.

Psychic Perception; Accurate Interpretation; Imagination; Clear Seeing.


To See.



Metaphysical Qualities Soul Realisation; Intuition; Insight; Imagination; Clairvoyance; Telepathy; Concentration; Peace of Mind; Wisdom; Devotion; Perception Beyond Duality; Thought Control; Inner Vision; Understanding; Inspiration; Spiritual Awakening.
Negative Qualities Lack of Concentration; Fear; Cynicism; Tension; Headaches;
Eye Problems; Bad Dreams; Overly Detached from the World.




Light Headaches; Nightmares.
Deficient Characteristics Difficulty Concentrating; Poor Memory; Poor Vision; Unable to See Patterns; Denial.

Mugwort; Star Anise.

Gemstones Lapis; Quartz; Sodalite; Blue Sapphire.


Tara; Isis; Themis.

7# - CROWN
Chakra Correspondences


Sahasrara (Thousandfold.)
Location Location Top of head; Cerebral Cortex; Top of the head; Half in Head & Half Protruding.
Organs Pineal Gland; Cerebral Cortex; Central Nervous System; Right Eye.
Functions Vitalizes Upper Brain.


Orientation to Self Awareness.


Rights Wisdom; Knowledge; Consciousness; to Know.

Universal Attachment.
Metaphysical Qualities Unification of the Higher Self with the Personality; Oness with the Infinite; Spiritual Will; Inspiration; Unity; Divine Wisdom & Understanding; Idealism; Selfless Service; Perception Beyond Time & Space; Continuity of Consciousness; Connection to Inner-Guidance.
Negative Qualities Lack of Inspiration; Confusion; Depression; Alienation; Hesitation to Serve, Senility.

Demon/ Trickster



Thought / Will.

\Excessive Characteristics
Overly intellectual; Spiritual Addiction; Confusion; Dissociation; Learning difficulties.

Deficient Characteristics

Spiritual Skepticism; Limited Beliefs; Materialism; Apathy

Lotus; Gotu Kola.
Gemstones Amethyst; Diamond; White Chalcedony; Moss Agate; Selenite (Desert Rose;) White Opal; Moonstone.


Zeus; Nut; Inanna.

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